Thursday, June 30, 2011

Children, niños, bambini, Kinder

"Why are you crying?"
So it may sound that I am inept when it comes to the care of children.  But despite my imposing outer appearance children are often strongly drawn to me.  I am not sure as to why, but I am fairly certain that it is because children can sense the fact that I am a 5 year old stuck in an adult's body (ask my girlfriend and she will attest to my immaturity). 

This past year as a senior in college with a debilitating case of senioritis I often would pass on nights of drinking and socializing at the bars, not because I needed to wake up early, not because I was lazy, but because I was too preoccupied with the construction of bigger and better battleships with the use of my awesome LEGO collection.  That's right....a 22 year old college student willing to waste devote hours of weekends to the wonder that is LEGOS.  A testament to inner-child.

I wish I could build this kind of AWESOME>>>

While studying in Italy last spring I would often go jogging along the top of a local Medicean fortress.  One afternoon after jogging with my now girlfriend Hannah we began to do pushups, sit-ups, etc. on a patch of grass.  While counting out push-ups a small local boy (probably 7 or 8 yrs old) sat cross-legged in front of me.  As sweat dripped off my nose the young boy cocked his head to one side and asked 'cosa fai?' (what are you doing?).  I responded in Italian that I was exercising, but he continued to watch me quizzically.  Hannah began to giggle as the boy fired more questions at me.
What my inner-self looks like

I entertained him and told him he should continue to play with his comrades (a group of 5 or so children his own age playing a few meters away).  But the boy instead began to mimic my motions, following me in push-ups, then sit-ups, then jumping jacks.  He paid no mind to Hannah as he had deemed me Italian due to my handle on the language and her a foreigner. 

Soon the entire group of children surrounded me.  I then began an impromptu show and exercise class.  'Guarda' (look) I would say before launching into somersaults and handstands.  The children would laugh and Hannah would likewise as she stood outside the circle of kids being entertained by a big sweaty stranger.  'Fa cosí' (do like this) enticing the group to follow me in a silly action.  Soon the group erupted as the kids watched, copied, the tugged on my arms making sure I watched as they elaborated.  It was quite a cute scene that earned me a good amount of brownie points with Hannah. 

This sort of interaction with kids is not a rare occurrence as I am one of 20-sum cousins on my dad's side of the family, most of which are younger than I.  Many a times have I been swarmed with children of varying ages and ultimately become a mobile, human jungle-gym.  

When it comes to my interactions with children I truly enjoy myself, while I must abandon my sailor's tongue I am able to digress into a child's mindset, a place of innocence that many people wish they could revisit. 

The boys I am to care for in Berlin are ages 8 and 11, in my mind a great age range.  They are too young to start thinking they are too cool and old enough to easily communicate and rationalize with.  This also serves as an opportunity to fill a big brother role for two boys.  I have enjoyed being the older brother for my sister Emily, and I look forward to having a couple little brothers to play with.

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